All In The Family
I was recently doing some internet research on various
theories of the atonement. I happened upon a couple discussion boards/forums
featuring some fierce debate between different adherents to various Protestant
theologies. Each side vigorously (and quite rudely) defended their position by
quoting various scriptures as proof texts while simultaneously accusing the
other side of only selectively choosing or taking out of context the scriptures
they used to defend their position. All this got me thinking about the fallacy
of sola scriptura and the rejection
of the Church as an authoritative interpreter of revelation.
As Catholics, we believe that God’s
divine revelation is transmitted to us via two methods; Sacred Tradition and Sacred
Scripture. Furthermore, we believe that these modes of revelation have been
entrusted to the Magisterium (teaching authority) of the Church made up of the
pope and all bishops in union with him. The books of the New Testament were
written sometime between the early 50’s to as late as the end of the first
century. The final canon of the New Testament wasn’t formally settled until the
fourth century. For 300 years the Church existed as a community of faith
without the benefit of an official New Testament. While it is popular for some
to refer to Christians as “people of the book” a more accurate description
would be to call the Bible “the book of the people of God.”
Imagine a book written about your family, by members of your
family, primarily for your family. Great care was taken to ensure every detail
contained in the book was completely accurate and without error. The book
contains all the essential information anyone would need in order to know all about
your family. Of course it would be impossible to write down everything that
could possibly be known about your family; after all, it’s only one book. This
book could carry on through the generations to communicate to others about your
family; but it is the living memory of your family members that’s able to
enrich and flesh out the details of the book. Who better to provide the proper
context and interpretation of the stories communicated in this book than your
This (imperfect) analogy explains the role of the Church in
interpreting scripture. Christ founded
a Church, and promised
that he would be with that Church to preserve
and hand on his teachings. He promised to give authority to that Church to
carry on after his ascension. That Church, that family of God, began to collect
the written stories of its members to make sure the essentials were preserved
even if they
couldn’t write it all down. These writings were attested to by the men who
wrote them, or men who knew the authors. The writings were measured against the
collective memory and knowledge of this faith community to verify they properly
reflected the truth. Elder after elder passed on the living knowledge and
memory of the faith from one generation to the next. This deposit of the faith,
guided and protected from error by the promise of Jesus and through the power of
the Holy Spirit, is what makes up the teaching authority of the Church. It is
what has preserved catholic unity for 2,000 years within the Catholic Church.